Monday 24 September 2012


The current cndition of Abu Aman's eyes (left and right).
His vision has been impaired
It was on the 9th July, 2007 that i was referred to the eye clinic at the Serdang Hospital. When the dateline  came excitedly I presented myself at the clinic. i arrived very early thinking that if I would have arrived late I would be faced with parking problem. So, you can see that now. At every clinic and hospital we are facing this problem or car parking. I think Malaysians are a very sickly population.

 After much ado and procedures, I was inspected by a very pretty young budding optometristologist. As usual she scanned and checked both my eyes. Finally this was what the pretty lady had to tell me.
She said, " Pakcik, there is bleeding in your right eye. You've to watch your intake of carbohydrates, otherwise very soon you 'll go blind."  So blunt was she that I  softly told myself, “Ya Allah habislah aku. The news the doctor broke to me was a terrible blow to me. i was blinded.

 I spent the whole day at Serdang Hospital. That's how long I took to be given this bombshell by the young pretty doctor. I left the Serdang Hospital at almost 4.30 in the evening, driving with my vision very blurred towards home. Had it not that I was familiar with the road to my house, I would have gone astray and ended up I do not know where. The blurred vision was the after effects of various lotions and eye drops administered into your eyes.
When I arrived home safely, thank God the Almighty, i sadly told my wife about what the young doctor said. Very comfortingly my wife told me to go for a second opinion.

“Thank you darling,” I told her. “I'll just do that!”
So, on 29th July, 2007, i went to see Dato' Dr. Mohd Shukri, at the Shukri and Hardeep Eye specialist Centre, at Jalan Ipoh. Dr. Shukri was the Surgeon who did an implant operation on my retarded daughter some years ago, for her cataract. After going through all the necessary checking, inspecting, photographing, scanning and testing, then came the delivery of the final findings. In his findings Dr. Shukri concluded that there was no bleeding, contrary to that of the young pretty doctor.

Cikgu Aman Bachik ketika menghadiri REUNI Alumni TBSST 1 Mei 2012yang lalu di Kedai Kopi, Shah Alam.. Beliu kelihatn sedang bersembang dengan MZMY dan alumni wanita TBS. (Perhatian: Atas sebab-sebab tertentu surat Dr. Syukri tidak dapat disertakan dalam posting ini).
Nevertheless, Dr. Shukri said there was a damage especially in the right eye due to what he termed as  diabetic maculopathy. In simple terms, it means that the retina of my right eye had been scarred by a burst of the nerves as an after result of long diabetic malignant. The fluid that came out of the burst caused the scar. And it was this scar that blocked the vision. This misfortune must be addressed immediately, through an Argon Laser Treatment, as advised by Dato'.

Since  Dr. Syukri's Clinic was not equipped with this facility, I was then referred to another opthalmologist, a consultant. i was referred to Dr. Barkeh Hanim bt Dato' Jumaat, daughter of former Director General of Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka, at the Pusat Rawatan Islam, in front of the IJN, located near Bangunan Persatun Sejarah Malaysia
 So to Pusrawi I went to seek for another treatment. Sure enough, both my eyes were given laser treatment. Both the eyes were malignant. I visited Dr. Barkeh at  Pusrawi for a couple of years until 2008. I knew through reading the Pusrawi's pamphlets that Dr Barkeh was a visiting opthalmologist there. So I asked her where her main clinic was. She told me that hers was at The Eye Specialist Centre , at Mid Valley City. After getting her consent to see her at her own clinic, I became her patient until today.

After these years of consultation and treatment by Dr.Barkeh, I had gone through a series of operations and treatments, such as injection of  medicine into the eyes for retinal maculation treatment, eye laser, eye cataract and eye glucoma operations, plus the myriad eye lotions and eye drops. Until now, this precious eyes of mine have devoured almost, or probably more than 20k of our savings. I chose to go private for this pair 0f invaluable eyes because of the terrible waiting experience at the Serdang Hospital eye clinic, . After all, the other medical needs of mine are being taken care of by the God-blessed BN Government.
Despite all the treatments and operations, the damaged eyes devastated by diabetes, could not be revived as compared to the original  given by the  Almighty Allah. So there goes Abu Aman till the rest of his life with  1.5 eyes. The vision of the left eye is full 100 per cent, but the vision of the right is left with  only 0.5 per cent. If I cover the left eye I could barely walk. Nevertheless, syukur Alhamdulillah, the vision of the left eye is still good. Thank You, Allah.

Life with 1.5-eye is quite frustrating. When you want to reach for something, and you think you've reached the object, you in actual fact have not. You seem to be probing. If an onlooker looks at you he's sure to think that you are blind.
Another problem is if I try to reach for something, for instance an object nearby. You think you'll not braise it but there it is you would have knocked down that nearby object first. Why does this happen? I think the eyes ' vision is now impaired. It is no longer synchronized.

 When I have a poor vision I often blame the eyes. Little do I remember that I have now only a 1.05 per cent vision.  aab 1245 - 1323.........24092012.



  1. Another mishap for our dear AAB. My deepest sympathy frm the bottom of my heart.

  2. Saya simpati dengan segala aral yang ditempuhi oleh AAB, dan di masa sama ia memberi warning kepada saya untuk lebih waspada tentang kesihatan dan permakanan. Tapi ado sikit silap tu cikgu bilo cakap pasal percentage.....raso eh tinggal 50 percent bukan 0.5 percent. Apolah cikgu Mathematik sei ni.....telalut lak sikit bilo dah tuo2 ni, yo cikgu...

  3. Ok lah tu Iman . Tq for the correction.

  4. AAB, mintak maaflah Ese kek u Ese cubo sodayo upaya mombuek correction kek coghito u in nglish ni' Ese tak tahu boto ko tak boto editing ese tu. Maklumlah ese ni kan pandai bona dalam bahasa Jerman ese ini. Kalu AAB ghaso ada yang tak kono, bagilah tahu ese akan revert kopada yang ori.Tontang judul yang ese ubah tu, kalau AAB ghaso tak sosuai bona dan mungkin boleh monynggong bagi tahu copek-copek supayo ese ubah balik ko tajuk ori u tu. AAB kono bagi tahu takut jo manolah tahu ado yang amat sesitif buek AAB. Malam tadi balik dari Putrajaya dari ghumah adik ese jumpo omak yang datang dai kampong ese toruih buka emel dan baco coghito baru AAB ini. Sodih mek amek ese your tragic plight. Why should it be that way. Macam tak ado air mato laie dah nak monomankan ghaso sodih ese ini. Ese abih an jugak editing tu sampailah kek kol ompek baghu solosai. Ia banyak molibatkan checking consistency sahaja dalam ejaan, terutama meliatkan technical terms. Jadi, itulah ese cubolah sobaiknya. Kalau ada komen bagilah tahu AAB. Kita samo-samo bolaja walaupun dah sonjo begini.

  5. Afy thank for ur very concern. Kok ado pun ado duo. One is the word optometristology. Itt should be "gist" tak? Two is the name of the eye problem. According to Dr syukri's report it is "diabetic Maculopathy" not maculation. I email u his report. No offence please. Yang I maksud kan kek one tu ialah"opthalmalogist" which means an eye specialist, I just referred to my records. Kalau yang u boto an tu it means an eyesight checker. Tontang tajuk tu ok. Lah tu . Iman pun corrected my mistake kek ateh tu. it should 1.05 vision. Not 1.5. Sobab mato kanan I ni almost blind. Tingga 0.05 vision yo lai.. Thanks AFY..

    1. Mokasih banyak AAB, ese cubo botoan. Baru faham ko mana arah bondo itu. Di kamus pueh ese cari tak jumpo apo yang u tuis tu, jadi dapek pulak isilah yang ado iu. Tak tau lak ada perbezaannya. Thanks again

  6. Bila saya baca kisah AAB dengan masalah matanya dan dengan usaha2nya untuk buat operation mata pelbagai, ia mengingatkan saya kepada satu kisah benar yang saya dengar baru2 ni. Kira2 awal tahun ini, saya telah pergi ke Hospital Selayang untuk menghadiri temu-janji dengan doktor berkaitan masalah batu karang dan prostate yang saya hadapi. Macam biasalah, bila sampai di sana saya kena ambil nombor dan tunggu giliran. Pulak tu, menunggu doktor pakar ni bukan macam menunggu doktor biasa. Pertama kerana doktor2 pakar ni kena masuk wad dulu sebelah pagi sebelum berjumpa para pesakit luar. Kedua, tiap pesakit yang di diagnosnya mengambil masa yang sangat panjang.

    Oleh demikian, pada pagi itu, sementara menunggu giliran saya, saya telah pergi ke tingkat bawah hospital, di mana sekumpulan orang buta ada memberi pekhidmatan urut kaki di bahagian bawah tangga. Memang tiap2 hari mereka ada di sana.

    Saya telah memilih seorang pemuda buta, umur sekitar 34 tahun untuk mengurut kaki saya. Sambil berurut, saya tidak henti menemu ramah pemuda itu.....macam sejak bila dia buta, pernah ke melihat dunia, keluarga dia, hati dan perasaan dia dan apa2 kekesalan yang pernah ditanggungnya.

    Kata pemuda itu dia buta semasa tingkatan 5. Sebelum tu dia celik macam orang lain. Keluarganya terdiri dari orang2 ok belaka. Adik beradiknya semua lulusan universiti dan ada yang lulusan luar negara. Bapanya juga seorang doktor berpangkat General dalam Angkatan Tentera.

    Semasa di Tingkatan 5, dia mengadu kepada ahli keluarga mengatakan pemandangannya ada sikit terganggu, macam tak berapa jelas. Namun kata2nya itu tak berapa mendapat reaksi dari ahli keluarga kerana gangguan itu terlalu kecil. Pada suatu hari pemuda itu telah pergi ke kedai bersama seorang bapa saudanya. Semasa dalam kedeai, bapa saudaranya itu telah menghulurkan duit kepada pemuda tersebut, namun duit itu tidak disambutnya. Ini membuatkan bapa saudaranya itu berasa hairan, lalu dia melaporkan kepada bapa pemuda itu apa yang berlaku. Nyatalah pemuda itu mempunya vision yg tidak lengkap, itu dia ada blind-spot.

    Ekorannya si bapa bersusah payah mencari doktor mata untuk membuat rawatan keatas anaknya. Akhir seorang doktor pakar mata bersetuju membuat rawatan dengan menebuk kedua retina pemuda tersebut bagi membuang halangan yang ada. Malangnya setelah retina itu ditebuk, berlaku kerosakan kekal kepada matanya itu.....cahaya gagal menembusi retina semula. Dia ia tidak boleh dibaiki lagi. Katanya, keadaan penglihatannya sekarang hanya ada cahaya putih, seolah2 melihat TV rosak.

    Pemuda tersebut gagal untuk mengamil peperiksaan SPM. Kini dia lebih senang duduk menyewa dengan rakan2 sesama buta dengannya, dan berkerja sebagai tukang urut kaki dengan upah RM20 untuk tempoh setengah jam.

    Kekesalannya......mengapakah semua orang terlalu tergopoh untuk menebuk matanya, sedangkan ketika itu masalah matanya tidak seberapa dan ketika itu dia masih boleh melihat hampir saperti orang biasa.......

  7. Iman cerita iman merangsang saya untuk mendedahkan pengalaman saya dengan Dr. Barkeh.
    Apakala telah di cuba oleh nya untuk merawat kerosakan pada retina saya bagi mata sebelah kana n itu tak memuaskan, di cadangkan kepada saya satu operasi di mana mata saya akan di bedah dan retina saya yang bermasalah itu di kikis dan di masukkan gantian lendir artificial. Saytanya paa guranteenya saya akan dapat melihat dengan jelas semula. Kita ikhtiarlah katanya moga moga boleh sembuh. Dalam hati saya kalau peluang puleh penglihatan mata saya ini tipis buat apa sya nak pertaruhkan baki penglihatan saya yang ada ini. Saya pun tolak usaha ikhtiar Dr. Barkeh ini, dan bari tahu dia saya redhalah dengan ketentuan Allah ini. Kita cubalah pujuknya. Saya tetap menolak. Harga ongkosnya operasi itu ialah enam k. Bukan kerana sayangkan wang, saya takut jadi budak malang dii atas. Tinggallah vision saya 1.05 sahaja.
